Warley Primary School


The clubs will change each half term and we will send details out in advance. Please be reminded that all club bookings are made through Clubbly, by visiting https://clubbly.co.uk/ 

Scroll down to see this half term's clubs.

For further information about Mr. Lamont's clubs, please contact him using the details provided on his flyer. 


 'R has been talking about sketching non-stop and practising at home whenever she can, thank you for providing such a great enrichment opportunity for the students!' - Feedback from a Year 3 Parent

'I cannot tell you how much E has enjoyed coming to your club - every week he is excited about it. Thank you so much!' - Feedback from a Year 3 Parent

'S is loving dance club and was thrilled to learn this Hairspray number today (which I’ve watched so many times now since collecting her, I think I could join in! ) Thank you' - Feedback from a Year 5 Parent

'B loved this club and said she learned lots of new skills.' - Feedback about Hockey Club from a Year 2 parent 

'N was always excited about this club, especially Kickball Club. It was so good for her, she enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for all the effort teachers made when running this wonderful club.' - Feedback from a Year 2 parent.


Chindits Lane, Brentwood,
Essex. CM14 5LF

