School Curriculum Intent
At Warley Primary School, we intend to provide children with wide and varied opportunities to access an exciting and engaging curriculum, which will create a thirst for knowledge and will help them to begin to make decisions about particular areas of curiosity. We hope that this will ignite a love for learning and this will lead to children starting to develop particular expertise or passion, which they may then want to develop at a deeper level as they continue through their education.
Our curriculum has been designed to meet the needs and interests of our children, whilst also providing opportunities which they do not have access to in order to make them culturally aware and expand their general knowledge.
It is important to prepare them for life in modern Britain and so, through the introduction of new schemes of work in our curriculum, such as ESR, children are learning about hot topics, which will be relevant for their future. We aim for our children to be creative thinkers as we are preparing them for a world that we cannot fully envisage.
Our ultimate aim at Warley Primary School is to provide opportunities for children to be excited about coming to school to enable them to be enthused and happy learners, as this way, learning comes naturally.
Find out about how we consider SMSC, Fundamental British Values and Cultural Capital within our curriculum here.
'I just thought I’d feedback that J is really enjoying the History topic. Most evenings she’s enthusiastically telling us about her learning and it’s lovely to hear about all the interesting ways you’ve been getting the information across to the kids. J has told us about drama, designing their own tapestry, listening to Latin music-its so nice to hear about the immersion in their learning experience they are having. She is really retaining so many key facts of the learning because of the brilliant way it’s being delivered to her.' Feedback from a Year 1 Parent
'Absolutely love to support this event. With every pupil putting in outstanding effort and some even pulling out herculean power right on the final straight. Well done all.' Feedback from a Year 4 Parent regarding Cross Country.
'B hasn’t stopped talking about ESR day this evening! Thank you for a fun filled day of learning.' Feedback from a Year 2 Parent
Click on a subject below, to find out more about how it is taught at Warley:
To find out about the curriculum in the EYFS, please visit the EYFS page.
Curriculum Days
Throughout the year, we hold a number of curriculum themed days to immerse the children in a particular subject area. We hope to promote a love for learning within that curriculum themed area and to give children the opportunity to explore which areas they may be developing a particular love for. Recent and future Curriculum Days are listed below:
Art and DT Day - 15th October 2024
Geography Day - 23rd January 2025
Safer Internet Day - 11th February 2025
World Book Day/English Day - 6th March 2025
Maths Day - 25th March 2025
Science Day - April 2025
Sport and Fitness Day - 22nd May 2025
ESR Day - 10th June 2025
We hold half-termly open door afternoons where parents can see first-hand what the children have been learning and look at the work that they have produced. Please check the diary dates for upcoming sessions. If you have any further questions about our curriculum at Warley, please contact your child's Class Teacher.
Visits and Visitors
Each year, pupils will experience trips out and visitors in to school to supplement their classroom learning. All visits are detailed in the school calendar.
Chindits Lane, Brentwood,
Essex. CM14 5LF