Warley Primary School


(Religious Education)


At Warley Primary School, we aim to deliver an engaging, broad and balanced Religious Education Curriculum which is accessible to all pupils. We provide our children with opportunities to learn about and from a range of religions and beliefs with the principal aim of equipping pupils with appropriate knowledge and understanding to enable them to develop an insightful and positive attitude to diversity in their own communities and the wider world. Through high quality R.E. teaching, we aim to promote respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs and prepare children for the responsibilities and experiences of later life. We encourage pupils to develop their own sense of identity and belonging and believe that R.E. plays a significant role in the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development. It is also provides opportunities to educate children about shared values such as compassion and empathy as well as challenging attitudes of racism and discrimination. By developing their understanding and appreciation of different religious and cultural beliefs and practices in the local, national and wider global community, we aim for pupils to become responsible and respectful members of the diverse society and world in which they will live.


We use the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (EXPLORE) developed by Essex as the basis for our curriculum. While we focus on the major world religions and those predominantly represented in Great Britain: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism, in line with the Agreed Syllabus, we also take into account that religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian and so ensure that as a whole and at each key stage the relative content devoted to Christianity predominates. R.E also plays a central role in promoting British Values and is used as a tool to introduce and teach the concepts of citizenship, respect and tolerance as well as supporting pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


Pupils in EYFS are introduced to R.E in the context of exploring who we are, where we belong, identifying important things in our lives and  developing respect for others, their cultures and religions. In EYFS, R.E. is delivered through five main areas of learning: understanding the world, personal, social and emotional development, communication and language, literacy and expressive art and design. The children have many opportunities throughout the year to participate in first-hand R.E experiences, including visitors, trips in the local area and an annual Christmas production.

For Years 1-6, R.E. is taught discretely for one hour every two weeks and we recognise there are lots of cross-curricular opportunities for R.E. teaching. Additional learning opportunities in R.E are also provided by the regular visitors to school, trips, assemblies led by the School Chaplain, visits to the local church throughout the year and whole school celebration of religious festivals.


Our curriculum has been specifically designed to meet the needs and interest of our pupils, whilst also providing opportunities of first-hand experiences wherever possible, in order to expand their knowledge and embrace the subject with enthusiasm. It is important to us to make all learning relevant and engaging in order to excite and inspire the children and so our teachers are provided with a fully comprehensive R.E. syllabus and detailed plans which allow them the freedom and flexibility to focus on adapting these to the needs of their specific learners. Teaching staff build on prior learning which allows for progression of knowledge and skills. All assessment is in line with the whole school feedback policy and teachers assess progress and attainment at the end of each unit of teaching and at the end of each academic year. An appointed Curriculum Leader oversees R.E. implementation in the school, monitors, evaluates and reviews good practice, sets clear outcomes each academic year through a subject development plan and provides additional support to teaching staff.

We value the religious background of all members of the school community and hope that this will encourage individuals to share their own experiences with others freely.  All religions and their communities are treated with respect and sensitivity and we value the links which are, and can be, made between home, school and faith communities. 


Please click on the link to view our RE Curriculum Overview.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education. If you wish to do this, please complete this form and return it to the office.



R.E teaching and learning Warley Primary School is stronger than ever before, with the introduction of a new Scheme of Work, which provides teachers with detailed plans, differentiated learning tasks and ensures coverage and progression. Teachers report they feel confident in teaching R.E and feel the pupils are engaged and enthusiastic in lessons. Coverage of R.E has improved with the implementation of a new timetable and content in books has increased significantly, as has the quality of work. End of Unit tests throughout the year have allowed teachers to make a more accurate assessment of knowledge and skills and more easily identify children who may require additional support or who are working at Greater Depth. 

Children at Warley Primary School report that they enjoy R.E lessons and feel a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them. The children are inquisitive in their learning and through exploration and discussion have begun to question and reflect on key aspects of religion such as: why people choose or do not choose to follow a religion and why belief is so important. They are increasingly aware of the importance of diversity in modern Britain and can make links from their R.E. learning to their own lives, their communities and the wider world.  Children report they feel safe in lessons and that their opinions are valued by both staff and peers.  They feel part of a community in which difference and diversity are accepted and celebrated.

Chindits Lane, Brentwood,
Essex. CM14 5LF

